Anne-Lou Buzot « La théorie de l’horizon incliné »
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- Location Galerie Le Château d'Eau
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The Galerie Le Château d'Eau presents Anne-Lou Buzot's work based on a box of archives belonging to a 19th-century learned society, found by chance in 2019.
The story of a singular theory
In 2019, Anne-Lou Buzot found a cardboard box in the cellar of a family home. Inside were photographs and writings: the fragmentary archives of the Nouvelle société de l’horizon incliné (New Tilted Horizon Society). Thanks to this discovery and the research she has carried out since, she is now unveiling the story of a singular theory which uses the photographic medium as a way to question our horizon and its future.
During the second half of the 19th century, convinced that “photography was the process that most faithfully reproduced nature” and that it could therefore be used as evidence, a number of scholars questioned the systematic tilt of the horizon in photographic representations: was the horizon really tilted? The Tilted Horizon Society of Great Britain and the Tilted Horizon Society were founded to answer said question.
These learned societies were succeeded by the Circle of Tilted Horizon Disciples, formed by dissidents predicting the complete reversal of the horizon, and then the New Tilted Horizon Society, whose members adopted a more (re)creative approach. In each case, photography played a central role in documenting the tilt of the horizon and its evolution. Today, Anne-Lou Buzot has decided to found The Tilted Horizon Society. Named after the very first British learned society. Its aim will be to disseminate the archives that have been found and to add to the corpus.
By scanning the horizon, these images take viewers a little further afield, to the horizon of their own expectations and futures. This story is ultimately one of perspective: the horizon, like photography, only exists because there is a point of view, a gaze turned towards the world. Regardless of the opinions surrounding the theory of the tilted horizon, there is every reason to believe that the world is indeed going sideways.
Born in 1990. Lives and works in Saint-Denis. After obtaining a Master’s degree in photography in 2014 from ENS Louis-Lumière, Anne-Lou Buzot specializes in photochemical processes. She sees them as a living, experimental language at the service of different forms of creation, and makes it the heart of her activities: today, she is both photographer-author, editor and teacher at the ENS Louis-Lumière laboratory. In each of these activities, she uses photochemical processes, deploys them, tames them, renews them, crosss them, (re)invents them and passes them on. In this way, she develops a kind of linguistics of the photographic medium, where content and form resonate in the process of creation. Several themes run through her personal work contemplation of a magnificent and threatened plant world, the concept of the horizon as a moving the concept of the horizon as the moving limit of the gaze, the writing of narratives that alter the boundaries between the real and the imaginary, or the acceptance of disappearance
- 2024 (coming soon) Personnal exhibitions at Le Château d’Eau in Toulouse and Larvoratoire in Douarnenez [Théorie de l’Horizon Incliné]
- 2023 Group show at Galerie Charlot as part of the Biennale de l’Image Tangible [L’Acte Photochimique, photographic installation].
- 2023 Group show at BnF Épreuves de la matière [Éloge de l’éphémère, anthotype]
- 2021-2023 Group shows at BnF La Photographie à tout prix [extracts from HxW’s research notebooks, then Embruns Salés] [extraits des carnets de recherche de HxW puis des Embruns Salés]
- 2021 Group show at Espace des Femmes in Paris, as part of the Mentorat des Filles de la Photo [Theory of the Inclined Horizon]. [Théorie de l’Horizon Incliné]
- 2020 Publication of two portfolios, Survivances & Flora, Immanences Éditions, Phototirages collection
- 2020 Solo exhibition Photo-sensible at L’Esperluète in Chartres [palladiotypes from the series Jardin Photographique, Contemplations, Survivances, Flora, Fleur de Peau].
- 2018 Commissioned by the Orchestre national d’Île-de-France [photo novel L’Iliade et l’Odyssée] [roman-photo L’Iliade et l’Odyssée]
- 2016 Commissioned by Vinci Immobilier as part of the “1 immeuble, 1 œuvre” operation [La vie sur un plateau, photographs of the ENS Louis-Lumière film sets].
- 2015 Group show at the Forum international de la couleur végétale in Lauris [Ramage, photographic installation in kakitypie].
- 2014 Group exhibition on the theme Que fait (faire) la photographie? at ENS Louis-Lumière [photographic installation “Is dem – idem?” ]
- 2013-2014 Commissioned by the Orchestre national d’Île-de-France and publication of the book Adagio [black & white silver photographs, texts and graphics].
- 2013 Group exhibition Face et profil at the Archives Départementales d’Eure-et-Loire [silver prints from the Livre-toi series]. [tirages argentiques issus de la série Livre-toi]
- 2024 Winner of the Ministry of Culture commission celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Maître d’Art title.
- 2023 Winner of the Biennale de l’Image Tangible.
- 2023 Research-creation residency on photographic ecology offered by the Collège International de Photographie du Grand Paris (CIPGP) and Neuflize OBC bank.
- 2022 Finalist in the Prix du tirage Collection Florence & Damien Bachelot organized by CIPGP, in the photographer category [Les Embruns Salés]. [Les Embruns Salés]
- 2021 Finalist in the Prix du tirage Collection Florence & Damien Bachelot organized by CIPGP, in the photographer category [HxW]. [HxW]
- 2020-2021 Winner of the Mentorat des Filles de la Photo, sponsored by Raphaële Bertho, lecturer at the University of Tours, and Emilia Genuardi, co-founder of the salon a ppr oc he [Théorie de l’Horizon Incliné]. [Théorie de l’Horizon Incliné]
- 2020 Finalist in the Prix du tirage Collection Florence & Damien Bachelot organized by CIPGP, in the duo category with Édouard Taufenbach [La Méthode] [La Méthode]
- 2018 Tremplins Garance de l’Artisanat winner