Exhibition Richard Pak « The Firm »
> 24 oct. 2024 – 5 janv. 2025

Tuesday to Sunday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 58 allées Charles de Fitte (new location during construction)

New entries in 2021

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Noire Méditérranée © Théo Combes

In 2021, the collection has been considerably enriched by new works, acquired by the Gallery or donated by the artists. Here is a glimpse of what’s new, reflecting the year’s exhibition programming.

Photograph by Catherine Balet in tribute to Robert Mapplethorpe

Catherine BALET

Presented as part of the exhibition “Looking for the masters in Ricardo’s golden shoes”, a set of 7 works were acquired with a gift from the artist Catherine Balet and her galerist Thierry Bigaignon.

This purchase is as much a contemporary acquisition as it is a nod to the history of photography, marking the arrival of Christian Caujolle as artistic advisor.

Léo Delafontaine, summaries, collage from the book of Martin Parr, Small World 2nd Edition, Dewi Lewis Publishing, 2007

Léo Delafontaine

A set of 9 collages was donated by the artist following his exhibition. Based on great photography books, the “summaries” offer a rereading of great works that have marked the photographic culture of Léo Delafontaine.

Photograph of Nixon showing a portrait of a young woman cut above the mouth.
©Nicholas Nixon Détail du Portrait de Miss Alice Kurtz de Thomas Eakins, 2016

Nicholas Nixon

After his exhibition and his visit to Toulouse, five works by Nicholas Nixon have been added to the Château d’Eau collection. Two acquisitions were made from his gallery owners Éric Dupont in Paris andFraenkel Gallery in San Francisco.

The photographer has donated 3 works to the collection.

Noire Méditérranée © Théo Combes

Théo combes

A set of 30 photographs from the series “Black Mediterranean” enter the collection. The exhibition initially conceived with Images Singulières (Sète) is available for loan.