The photographic collection of the Château d’Eau

©Dimitra Dede, Andermatt, Suisse, 2016, Courtesy Spot home Gallery, Naples

A place and a collection

As early as 1974, the founder of the place, Jean Dieuzaide, and the city of Toulouse had a project to create a Museum of Photography. The museum has not been formalized but a rich collection has accumulated over time. The collection reflects the exhibitions of the Château d’Eau. The collection includes 5500 prints, documents and glass plates.

New acquisitions are made within the Direction des Musées de Toulouse with the artistic guidance of Christian Caujolle from 2021 to 2024.

Léo Delafontaine, série Summaries, Martin Parr, Small world
Léo Delafontaine, série Summaries, Martin Parr, Small world
Gosette Lubondo, Imaginary trip
Gosette Lubondo, Imaginary Trip I, #5, 2016
©Nicholas Nixon Détail du Portrait de Miss Alice Kurtz de Thomas Eakins, 2016
Mous Lamrabat, Black Out That Bad Energy 2021
Mous Lamrabat, Black Out That Bad Energy 2021
Marion Gronier, Elias Antone, Gila River Indian Reservation, Arizona, 2015/09/16, Série We were never meant
Marion Gronier, Elias Antone, Gila River Indian Reservation, Arizona, 2015/09/16, Série We were never meant
Gabriele Basilico, Beyrouth 2003
Gabriele Basilico, Beyrouth 2003

The collection on show at the Musée des Abattoirs

Until May 18, 2025, the “Open your eyes” exhibition presents a wide selection of photographic works from the collections of the two public institutions, both of which bear witness to the great periods in the history of photography.

Cyril Boixel, Vue de l'exposition "Ouvrir les yeux" au musée des Abattoirs
Cyril Boixel, Vue de l’exposition “Ouvrir les yeux” au musée des Abattoirs

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