Art and cultural education

© Vue de l’exposition “Des oiseaux, Penti Sammallahti ─ F. Boucinha

Learn about photography

Since its foundation in 1974, image education has been an axis of the artistic project. Through the temporary exhibitions and the collections, the gallery contributes :

  • to the meeting with the artworks and the artists
  • to reinforce the knowledge of art history
  • to facilitate the access to the photographic practice.

This commitment translates into proposals adapted to our programming and/or built with the educational actors.

© Atelier à la bibliothèque / D.R.

Around the exhibitions

  • Guided visits for groups
  • storytelling visits for schools
  • meeting with the artists presented at the gallery
  • history of photography lectures
  • self-study resources in the library

You are a teacher, you lead mediation actions? Contact us for the current offer (according to the exhibitions) by phone at +33 5 34 24 52 35 or by email, see the page Team and contacts.

Book your visit

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